Category: Philosophy Essay

The disputes on the nature of the Universe, the essence of human life and the proofs of the existence of God have been present throughout many centuries since people have been interested of the role of religion in their life. Many researchers dedicated works to the idea of the essence of God and His presence in our everyday life. People all around the world are in search of even more proofs that God exists. However, in the light of the modern perspectives, atheists reject the necessity of any belief in God and His mercy, and their arguments are still popular among certain communities. The main atheistic argument is tied to the essence of evil in human life. Why God allows cruelty, the development of numerous diseases in human life, accidents, and natural disasters. Does it all happen to punish people for their sins, or is it something even more complex, if we believe in God? If for example, a two-year-old child suffers from a serious physical impairment so he cannot talk or walk, the boy’s parents may feel anger with God for such a cruel punishment for this poor little kid that does not even know what sin is and how, not being even taught, to worship the God, what to confess. It is believed to be unfair. Is it possible that this child will get well soon? And what if an accident such as a plane air crush happened, like the recent Boeing crash in the sky of the Eastern Ukraine, where about 80 children were reported to be on the board. People search for ways to struggle with the feeling of grief and sorrow when innocent people die and we cannot stand as evil grows day by day.

In his article, “On Being an Atheist”, McCloskey states that evil is the result of imperfection of this world. And if there was God in the sky, who is reported to be merciful to His creations, He would not allow evil to spread all over the world and punish the innocent who are just sinless children. Since this world is imperfect, we cannot make a conclusion related to the existence of God and proofs that He created the Universe. “The cause is powerful enough and imperfect enough to have created the sort of the world we know”, – McCloskey concludes clearly on this matter. The researcher suggests that there are no grave arguments and evidence that can prove the existence of God and his hand in the creation of the Universe. Since there are no grave proofs, McCloskey states that the idea of the essence of God should be completely rejected. This leads to contradictions in minds and to numerous responses from researchers on this matter. For instance, in response to this article and in relation to the cosmological proof of the existence of God, Evans, and Manis (2009) develop a non-temporal kind of this argument. Their idea includes three components: “Some contingent beings exist. If any contingent beings exist, then a necessary being must exist (because contingent beings require a necessary being as their ultimate cause).

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Therefore there exists a necessary being (which is the ultimate cause of the existence of contingent beings). However, MacCloskey argues that there is no reason to believe in God, as the “mere existence of the world constitutes no reason for believing in such a being [i.e., a necessarily existing being].” In response, Evans and Manis (2009) lead to discussion using the non-temporal form of this argument; they suggest that in spite of that everything requires a cause and atheists claim that God to be caused well, God is not a being of the contingent nature, therefore there is no need to explain His origin, it is not necessary. As they add, as if we could clarify the origin of God, He, in fact, would not stand in our eyes and minds as God. These statements are related to the cosmological argument that has to deal with two ideas: God is the cause of the Universe, and His origin needs not to be explained since the cause of the Universe is necessary.

The necessity of the Universe is clear, as life is of the essential meaning, and life has a purpose, either in the context of evolution or in the frames of life of an individual in particular. The creation of the Universe was the necessity, not only so that, in the opinion of theists, to glorify God, but also with relation to going to deeper meaning. Of course, everything that artists create, they are proud of, and they feel comfortable for everything they have created. Having a feeling of inspiration, every artist needs to create something and feel comfort. God is a perfect artist who needed to create the Universe fo