When a professor asks you to complete a questions-answers assignment, it can turn into a serious problem. Unlike a multiple-choice questions assignment when students should just select one right answer from several alternatives, writing short answer questions essay requires deep awareness of the subject. Indeed, you have several options to complete this assignment. First, you can spend several days and nights over your textbooks trying to prepare for the test. Second, you can try to rely on your intuition and try to guess the right answer. Finally, you can find a reliable writing service and get professional help there. Whereas the first two options are not perfect since they do not guarantee the successful result, cooperation with our reputed writing team may turn into a fascinating experience. We guarantee that will our professional assistance, you will be able to pass your test successfully and impress your instructor.

When it comes to creating high-quality academic papers at an affordable cost, PerfectWritings.com is the best writing service. We have been producing custom essays, research papers, and even professional dissertations for many years. Our experienced and knowledgeable experts specialize in various disciplines and they definitely can assist you with your writing short answer questions tasks. We guarantee that relying on our team of seasoned writers, you can be sure that your academic reputation is in safe hands. We know how to write short answers in such a way to bring you the best outcome possible!

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We fully realize how important for you is to maintain successful academic performance. Indeed, by getting good grades in your educational institution, you will find it easier to pursue a desired degree in the future. Moreover, for many students, successful grades are directly related to self-esteem. Therefore, asking us for help with answering short essay questions, you can be sure that our writers will provide you with the insightful and accurate assistance demonstrating brilliant knowledge of the subject. No matter if you are a first-year student or a Ph.D. candidate, cooperation with PerfectWritings.com is a perfect option for those, who value their time and money!

How to Write Short Answer Questions? Effective Tips

When writing essay questions and answers, you need to focus on a few important moments. Make sure you understand every point of your prompt precisely. It is highly recommendable to read the question at least twice before answering it. Such an approach will help you avoid further misunderstandings with your teacher. When working on the questions to answer in a research paper, make sure to follow the universal template:

Answer Questions


Make sure to restate the question. First, it will help your professor economize time on its checking. Second, it will help you double check the correctness of your answer.


– If the question contains several parts, make sure to answer all of them. If your question is answered just partially, most probably, your professor will give you a zero;

– If the question is divided into the bullet points, you need to divide your answer into several paragraphs and each of them should answer one bullet point;

– If the bullet points are broken into the smaller parts, you need to answer each of them respectively.

Support Your Answers

  • By supporting your answers with the relevant examples and credible sources, you will demonstrate your awareness about the topic and prove that your answers are not just made up;
  • When working with the sources, make sure to paraphrase, summarize, or directly cite your sources in accordance with the reference style used.
  • Do not forget to use proper transitions because it will make your short answer essay easy-to-follow.


This final step entails your conclusion. Finalizing your paper properly, you will be able to improve your score. Conclude your answer with a discussion on your takeaways and implications. Also, you can emphasize how your findings relate to your own experiences. Remember that in order to get a good grade, you need to make your answer as creative and detailed as possible.

Additional Secrets for Writing a Good Answer to the Question

– Make sure you understand the question properly.

Do not underestimate the value of proper understanding of the question since it directly influences your answer. If you are not attentive enough to your question, you will not be able to present what your professor is looking for. This often happens when the student fails to dedicate enough time on reading and understanding the q