This book by Abir Taha analyses deeply the influences of Fredrich Nietzsche on the ideology of the Nazis. The book analyses how the Nazis appropriated the majority of Nietzsche concepts and ideologies into their own unique ideology. The author also manages to point out the differences between the ideology of Nietzsche and the abstruse doctrine of the Nazis. For Example, the author illustrates Cleary the occult character of the ideology of Nazism and the pagan Aryanism nature of the Nietzsche. The book, therefore, reveals the mysterious nature of the Nazi ideology and how closely it resembles the Nietzsche ideology.
This paper explores and analyses’ the themes and ideas presented in the novel about the relationship that exists between the Nietzsche and Nazi ideologies and the differences between the two ideologies. Abir Taha analyses the Nietzsche’s philosophy and how each of the viewpoints of Nietzsche’s philosophy was radicalized while being included in the ideology of the Nazi doctrine. The author, therefore, unveils the universal Aryanism nature of the Nietzsche’s ideology and the mysteriousness of the Nazi ideology. The book offers a good comprehension of the ideology of the spiritual nature of Nietzsche’s ideology and the occulted nature of the Nazi regimes and the relationship that exists between the two ideologies. This book Cleary illustrates that the influence of Nietzsche’s on the Nazi ideology was on the mysterious, esoteric and spiritual nature of the Nazi doctrine. The book, therefore, refutes the claim that Nietzsche’s universal and spiritual and elitist ideology had nothing to do with the obscure ideology of Nazi philosophy that focused on racial discrimination on the basis of race and a high sense of nationalism. The book presents Nietzsche as the prophet of the Nazis in the sense that his philosophy was the one perverted by the Nazis to form the mysterious Nazi ideology. In the book, the author views Nazism as having two distinct components. The first component is the exoteric nature of Nazism that focuses on an increased sense of German nationalism, biological racism and the anti-Semitic nature of the Nazi ideology.
The second component is the esoteric component which was linked closely to occult ideas. These two distinctions have enabled the author to show the superficial nature of the Nietzsche ideology and the influences it had on each of the components. The first major difference represented between the Nazi ideology and the ideology of Nietzsche is the distinction between racism and nationalism. The Nazis were racial nationalists meaning that Germans discriminated other races based on their nationalities. This form of ideology means that the Nazi ideology made Germans to view themselves as a master race rather than just a nationalistic ideology. This is exemplified by the comments of Nietzsche about the German racist ideals. He reckons that he was opposed to the feebleness of the German nation and not the superior nature of the Aryan race. In the book, the author also discusses the two form of anti-Semitism that engulfed the Nazi régime. The first form of racism is the traditional anti-Semitism against Christians and the other is the elitist and aristocratic anti-Semitism which Nietzsche advocates in his ideology. The author also explores the interpretations of the ideology of Nietzsche on the German Nazism. There are interpretations that deny the influence of Nietzsche on Nazism.
There are also other interpretations that contend that there have been many influences on the ideology of Nietzsche on Nazism. The first illustration of the influence of the Nietzsche on the Nazi ideology is at the beginning of the book where the author notes that the ideology of Nietzsche about the existence of a superhuman being in Nietzsche’s philosophy was also embraced by the Nazism in making of their own unique ideologies. The goal of the Nazi regime was therefore to breed an Aryan or superhuman being as wa