Category: Philosophy Essay

The existence of God and evil theme is the object of numerous arguments and contradictions. The followers of the opposite ideas belong to theistic and atheistic views. They argue with each other trying to prove that their ideas are real due to the empirical evidence they found. However, professor Stephen Law presented an entirely new hypothesis about the evil-god challenge, which cannot be purely atheistic. It is necessary to admit that his work is an experiment enabling the author to talk about people who like following the Bible or not. Law’s views are quite controversial since he confronts the position of all-good God and the one of all-evil God. In contrast to Law’s arguments, William Rowe presents the discussion about the problem of evil; however, his concepts refer to purely atheistic views. Although Law discusses atheistic ideas on the evil problems, his theory is not good, because his arguments are contradictory and not properly explained.

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evil-God challenge is an argumentative hypothesis based on two theses of the good God and evil God existence. Actually, these two notions are logically incomparable. The professor assumes that these two theses are controversial and the miraculous phenomena cannot exist at the same time (Law, 2007, p. 154). Supposing good God is real as the first cause and reason of the universe and the Earth creation, one can assume that he can have a reason to allow evil exist (Law, 2007, p. 153). Besides, he gives the possibility for evil to destroy everything. The presence of evil in life is overwhelming. It is possible to develop the following argument: the existence of good God is impossible because of the unlimited evil on the Earth. However, the professor regards the problem from the other side. He presents the issue of good. The author considers the possibility of all-evil god existence. Therefore, the presence of good events, pleasant feelings, and beautiful creatures contradicts that point. In addition, he cannot understand why good God must be better that the evil one. The evil God does not prohibit the human free will (Law, 2007, p. 155). He gives all the possibilities for the person to satisfy desires. Law considers that it is not bad. According to Law’s thesis, the evil god cannot exist because of the overwhelming amount of good (2007, p.153). Therefore, the position of the professor is based on the problem of performing the Bible laws. It is about people who like to perform the Holy law and those who do not like to do it. Law discusses the controversial position although the general idea is not atheistic. The evil God challenge is an attempt to convince a person to believe in equality of evil and good and recognize the evil as a freedom for people.

The concept of Professor Law is quite controversial, and it does not present the atheistic ideas; he regards the same thoughts without fresh evidence which cannot prove his position. Besides, he proclaims the necessity of evil and good. The evidential problem of evil is not convincing, because the Bib