The questions about life, its sense, and purpose of human existence on the Earth have been relevant at all times. Various religions give answers to all these questions, denying or proving the existence of meaning of life. Buddhism and Christianity, along with Islam are the three world religions. Of these three religions, only Buddhism does not recognize and even eschews the divine principle. For Christianity, God is the source of life, as well as the force that keeps the world turning every day. Due to the wide spreading of Buddhism in Orthodox countries, Buddhists’ ideas gained considerable popularity in modern mass culture. It contributes to the fact that even those, who do not consider themselves Buddhists, experience some influence of these ideas and more or less pronounce sympathy to this religion. In addition, the purpose of Buddhism and Christianity is similar. Both religions “seek to empower the deepest personhood of people by liberating them from conditions of suffering that hide their deeper identity and impede their fuller potential”. However, these two religions have many disparities. Particularly, although Buddhism recognizes certain divine layer in the design of the existential flux, it refrains from it. According to the beliefs of Buddhists, gods are not eternal. Becoming a god for a Buddhist means to delay the state of nirvana. Thus, despite some similarities between Buddhism and Christianity, there are too many differences between religions, which makes it impossible to combine their practices.
Similarities of Buddhism and Christianity
The importance of knowledge and respect for moral and ethical standards is postulated in all world religions. These standards are a necessary basis for moral growth and personal development; they regulate aesthetic norms in society and keep people from falling into a purely materialistic pragmatism. In this respect, it is significant to compare the moral and ethical standards of the two world religions: Buddhism and Christianity. Moral and ethical tenets of Buddhism are set forth in ten virtues, the essence of which is goodness and compassion. Ten Commandments of Buddhism are presented by ten rules, which fall under three categories: physical, verbal and mental. Despite the same number of moral guidelines, the commandments of Buddhism and Christianity have particular differences in internal content. Nevertheless, some of them correlate. The first four Christian commandments postulate the relationship between God and man. They suggest that the main goal of Christianity is to bring humanity closer to God. The absence of this kind of precepts in Buddhism is quite natural, as it denies the existence of the Creator.
Seventh, eighth and ninth Christian precepts, in general, are very similar to the same Buddhist virtues. Tenth Christian commandment clearly parallels with the Buddhist suppression of greedy thoughts. The last Buddhist precept on the suppression of false views similar to the first Christian commandment. The only difference between the two principles is that instead of believing in one God, a man has to believe in the immutability of the basic postulates of the Buddha’s teachings. Thus, despite the differences in the dogmatic theologies of Buddhism and Orthodox Christianity, there are universal moral and ethical standards, which are reflected in the form of commandments in the two greatest world religions.
Moreover, Buddhism and Christianity have common goals, which pursue the liberation from suffering and oppression. Buddhists and Christians “have apprehended common experiences and resources for working together to liberate human beings and nature from global forces of systematic oppression”. Both religions recognize oppression and poverty as common challenges, from which the humankind needs deliverance. This similarity contributes to Buddhist-Christian dialogue.