Category: Nursing Essay

People all over the world meet several challenges related to various infections. For instance, many diseases and infections have been discovered that give people sleepless nights. Nations all over the world try to ensure that they are in a position to deal with the diseases effectively and to prevent the spread of infections. As a result, most countries offer extensive training to enhance competence and effectiveness amongst the medics. The efforts are seen to bear fruits since most of the deadly diseases can be managed. In addition, most countries have adopted the use of modern technology in medicine enhancing doctors’ capability and ability to deal with deadly cases. Apart from the respiratory infections that top the lists of the most challenging diseases, the non-discriminatory urinary tract infections have increased and are posing problems for people. Wards in most health institutions are full of people, both the young and the old, who are suffering from urinary tract infections. This paper focuses on urinary tract infection. To start with, the paper defines urinary tract infection and outlines its causes. Secondly, the paper analyses the signs and symptoms of the disease. Thirdly, the paper describes possible treatment options and discusses the nursing care plan for patients with urinary tract infection.

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Definition and Causes of Urinary Tract Infections

Urinary tract infection is a disease that affects the urinary system. The infection can attack the kidney, the ureters, the bladder, or the urethra. The upper urinary tract infection involves infections of the kidney and ureters while the lower urinary tract disease covers the bladder and the urethra. For the past couple of years, the disease has become common since more than seven million people are reported to have been treated from the infection every year. Moreover, the disease is more common for ladies than for men due to their anatomic structure. Uniquely, the adults are more vulnerable to urinary tract infections than children but when the disease occurs in children, it is often more serious.

The disease develops from the bacteria known as Escherichia coli that are mostly found in the rectum. The location of the bacteria in the anus makes it easy to be transferred to the urethra, where it develops. Likewise, sanitation must be factored in while examining the causes of urinary tract infections. It should be noted that the transfer of the bacteria from the anus to the urethra depends on the activities that a person is involved in and most importantly, the cleanliness of the body. Additionally, some risky factors cause the infection to develop among individuals. Firstly, catheterization of the urinary tract plays a role in the development of the urinary tract infection. When a catheter is used to empty the bladder, it facilitates the transfer of germs and bacteria into the urinary tract causing the infection. On the same note, blockage of the urinary tract also causes infection of the urinary tract. People with kidney disorders occasionally experience blockage of the urinary tract, the condition favors the growth and development of the bacteria resulting in urinary tract infection.

Secondly, difficulty in emptying the bladder is another probable cause of urinary tract infection. Some individuals have bladder disorders, and they cannot release all the urine during urination completely. In this case, the urine that remains in the bladder provides the breeding ground for the bacteria. In its turn, the bacteria multiply and cause the bladder infection resulting in urinary tract infection. Thirdly, the disease is caused by sexual intercourse. For instance, sexually active women are at risk of getting the urinary tract infection because, during sexual intercourse, a lot of bacteria enter the bladder leading to a bladder infection. In the same way, the bacteria are easily transferred from the anus to the urethra during intercourse.

Lastly, the infection can be caused by the enlargement of the prostate that appears in elderly men. The swelling allows the bacteria to occupy the area and thus, they are not passed out during urination. The presence of the bacteria develops an infection around the area leading to urinary tract infection. In infants and children, the disease is caused by the uncontrolled bowel movement. In mos