Category: Law Essay

Criminal justice represents a set of acts and bills of a state. The legislation is focused on maintaining social control as well as discouraging and alleviating crime. Juvenile justice is an area in criminal law aimed at handling illegal acts committed by young offenders.

Summary Statement

The subsequent paper reviews a broad body of study and pursues to elaborate on youth perception of juvenile justice. The paper describes research while classifying and expounding on the factors that increase the risk or the statistical probability that a young person will become delinquent in prospect. Reasons, why the youth starts to lead a violent way of life, are also examined in detail. The aim of the essay is to evaluate youth violence as it is one of the aspects of juvenile justice. Various data sources and numerous methods that can be used to analyze the data have also been studied, taking into account their benefits and drawbacks. Finally, the paper contains the most appropriate method for the research and supportive arguments in favor of this method.

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Youth Violence

It is reasonable to expound on youth violence as it is particularly pertinent to juvenile justice. The person’s improper conduct that can start early and continue until young adulthood is referred to as juvenile delinquency. A young individual can be a criminal, target, or an eyewitness to the wrongdoing; however, nowadays the youth is more frequently convicted of different crimes due to their forcefulness and fierceness. Moreover, deadly and non-lethal assaults involving young people increase the rates of untimely death, harm, and ill health (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2014). As a result, not only the individuals but also their relatives, associates, and societies are harmed by youth violence. Thus, youth violence is the cause of a range of wrongdoings committed by the youth.

Causes of Violence among the Youth

Various theories and facts have been presented to expound on the reasons why young people implicate in youth violence. Apparently, all existing factors explain why young people participate in unlawful acts. In most cases, violent conduct is mostly caused by different factors rather than is an inborn quality. Thus, a person first observes the factor and then they put obtained knowledge into practice. However, under certain conditions, the person starts to behave in a violent way due to incomprehensible reasons. Hereby, it is crucial to examine some rational causes of youth violence.

Family Factors

Primary causes of violence can be found in the early learning obtained in the household. The home setting represents the basic factor in the development of violent conduct of young people. The factors involve tenuous family connection, ineffectual upbringing and management, and violence acquaintance at home. Philosophies, approaches, attainment of anticipation and sensitive responses that maintain or support the use of violence may also trigger adolescent violence. Among other family factors that cause teenage violence, there are paternal misconduct, child cruelty, hardships of living in a low-income family, and a low level of parental contribution. Apparently, the connection with criminal relatives or friends affects teenagers’ behavior. Moreover, the observation of violence or bodily abuse causes early forcefulness in the household. According to the study, the stated contact forms violent conduct during infancy and considerably increases the risk of such conduct during teenage years. In fact, the acquaintance with violence and bodily abuse on the part of family members has a stronger modeling effect. Moreover, one’s observation of heavy forcefulness on television is indirectly related to later violence. Certain distinct characters and assimilated natural differences may also contribute to later violence in adulthood. Parents or guardians with inadequate problem-solving abilities and a history of violent acts may become role models for developing children. Teenagers with forceful parents are also likely to become involved in youth violence.