Category: Comparison Essay

Every day people face different skills – knowledge and activities, which, as a result of repetition, become automatic. Each person has his own set of individual skills and abilities, which he develops throughout life. The five basic skills that are necessary for the profession of HR manager were considered. It should be noted, that it is difficult to identify the one which is the most important of these skills. Therefore, they should be used by their interaction and complementarity.


The formation of a good team is the basis of an effective teamwork organization. But not all the people who work together could call themselves a team. The team is a group of people with complementary skills; they are united by a common goal and for accomplishment of certain tasks. In a team, everyone has a role. Teamwork involves cooperation and finding a common language with others.

As a rule, I try to be a team leader – a person who organizes a work of a team, distributes roles, develops a strategic vision and coordinates team’s efforts to achieve the target. It is essential to find an individual approach to each participant, listen to him carefully, to know and assess each team member, be a friend and authority for him. It is worth noting that being a leader, I should have a clear determination and a strong character. My shortcomings as a leader are the following: I tend to be under the influence of other people, Im rather reflective, rude; sometimes I find it difficult to make a definite decision. I think that being a leader is the most responsible and difficult role in the team, which requires certain skills.

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I think of teamwork with excitement. With a good, close-knit team it’s easier to achieve the set goals. A team is a separate mechanism, where each of its participants is a part of this mechanism. In addition, working in a team is not only more effective, but also easier and even more interesting than working alone. Teamwork gives people determination and the ability to cooperate. A person becomes more open, tolerant and loyal to his colleagues. Teamwork even forms respect for others’ opinions and give the ability to competently conduct dialogues, which in general has a huge positive impact on the whole team and its work. You can always count on help and support of a team.

However, working in a team I have also encountered some problems. Firstly, this is a lack of time, especially at the initial stage of the team formation. The fact is that the team members must establish contact with each other, and this can take a lot of time. Also, for me as a leader, it took a long time to find a detached approach to each participant and to distribute their functions. Secondly, it is sometimes difficult to make a joint decision in a team. Although I am the leader, the opinion of each participant is important, therefore sometimes it is difficult to listen to all the opinions and to come to one common.

Some teams may be more successful than others. In my experience, there was a problem with the distribution of roles and the clear implementation of the tasks which were assigned in our team. Very often, I did not like that some of the participants were not actively involved in the work or poorly performed it. In this case it is important to establish contact with these team members and find out what went wrong with them. That is, the success of a team depends on its every participant, so it is so important to establish a partnership in the team, find a place for each of its members and help each other as well.

Studying Skills

Studying skills are the main aspects for achieving success not only in education and in further work, but in life as well. Skills are different tools and approaches through which we can accomplish the tasks set before us. Critical thinking, time management, concentration, listening and note taking, reading, writing, distributed learning, exam strategies and others – these all are the studying skills.

The most challenging aspect of my study is time-management (time-scheduling). Time management is the ability to effectively manage and control personal time. This is the ability to choose the main thing among the secondary ones. When I do not have time to do something, I start to get nervous, fussed and even irritated. But, over time, I learned to cope with it by doing the following: I started a diary and wrote down the schedules of my lectures, examinations and assignments. Also, I tried to prioritize tasks and planed everything for a week ahead. I lear