Category: Comparison Essay

In the works, Long Day’s Journey Into Night by Eugene O’Neil and “The Yellow Wallpaper” by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, many of the themes appear to be in close relation. Both works can be regarded as tragedies of the early modern American culture’s views on femininity. The main difference between the tragedies is that Long Day’s Journey into Night is a family tragedy, while “The Yellow Wallpaper” is more a tragedy of a lonely woman who lacks love, help, and support from the closest people. Even though these works seem to be thematically similar, they depict the problem of the role of women in society in absolutely different ways.

Long Day’s Journey Into Night is a one-day story about the Tyrone family’s degradation. The work demonstrates how the lack of support and love in the family slowly kills every self-oriented member of it. The main characters degrade and become the victims of the various types of drug addiction, diseases, alcoholism, stinginess, negligent attitude toward money and work, their past, and some other reasons. With the development of the plot, the parents, who once dreamt of their sons achieving success and becoming good people, fall in the state of submissive despair.

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“The Yellow Wallpaper,” on the contrary, is the autobiographical work that concentrates on the suffering of a young woman who lacks support and help from her husband. As a result, being left in the countryside mansion, she becomes hysterically mad. The work represents the consequences of an “ideal marriage”, where a husband “thinks” about his wife composing to-do-lists. The narrator is driven insane by the mental and physical restrictions she experiences. She is compelled to hide her ambitions and anticipations in order to create an image of an ideal, happy, and loving marriage and to pretend that she is gaining victory over her depression. She says, “John says if I feel so, I shall neglect proper self-control; so I take pains to control myself—before him, at least, and that makes me very tired”. From the very beginning, it becomes clear that not a happy life has turned a young lady into a depressed and mad woman. Silence and indolence made the narrator passive and prevented her from using her mind. Instead of supporting his wife, her husband forbids her even to write her thoughts and feeling on the paper. This represses her imaginative power and accelerates the illness.

Long Day’s Journey Into Night is also an autobiographical work. It depicts many aspects of the author’s life. What makes it different from Gilman’s work is that the characters are all equally flawed. The work is devoid of any bias and inequality, and no character is described in any perspective worse than any other. As a result, the description is fair and unprejudiced, and it gives the reader an opportunity to see the flaws of the characters as positive features when observed from a different angle. One of the distinctive features of the play is its depiction of the attitude of people towards their c