The Topic as Discussed with Others in the Past
Answers to the question on the existence of God have been controversial. Many people argue that there may be or may not be a God or argue about existence of different kinds of Gods. Most people contend that it is difficult to claim whether or not God exists due to the lack of knowledge or availability of limited information regarding the issue. Humankind has been around for long with very little pieces of history to study. For this purpose, they claim that no one knows what could be missing in order to find an ultimate answer. Thinking of the humankind continues to evolve, allowing people to grasp complex issues. Maybe or maybe not, they will be able to make a conclusion of whether God exists. Creation of the universe could have magically come out of nowhere. Time moves so does everything we know, therefore, something is responsible for the whole process involving the commencement of time. Everything on the planet is complex and precise, providing evidence that there is a likelihood of an intelligent creator.
On the one hand, Christian believers or theists can affirm of God’s existence. On the other hand, atheists deny that God exists. Both positions are on the opposite ends of this philosophical spectrum. People want to know if there is a perfect God. Several different versions are in use regarding this issue. The answers purport that any person denying the existence of a greater being is self-contradictory. Most people argue that no one truly believes that everything in the universe had no creator, a being that had great power. Ideally, it means a creator is evident as we have the universe. On a general line of the argument, most find it a necessary truth that God exists. However, the controversy of whether God exists or not can be based on the knowledge of something unseen using evidence of the things people see. For this purpose, the ability of an individual to know of something that they cannot see is logically possible. Regarding this, it is true that the acknowledgement of God’s existence implies that the humankind cannot see him. Nonetheless, it is very possible to know if God exists or not through examination of evidence.
Most of all doctrines that parents and generations follow are imposed on children regarding God. Children then believe in this system without a choice whatsoever. Most families that are believers in God bring up their children believing in him, so it is inherent. Others try to believe in a special being for them to be hopeful of something. Looking at the major world religions, all of them identify themselves with teachers, prophets, and God. None of these religions has the claim of being equal to God. Surprisingly, Jesus Christ did, which sets him apart from other prophets. Jesus talked of a father in heaven using his preaching. Many Christians use the bible to answer the above question. They claim that God did send his only son to come and redeem all sinners and whoever would believe in him was to have eternal life with God. However, people give examples that demonstrate God’s perfect designs on the Earth. First, the Earth is perfect as its size corresponds to gravity, and layers of oxygen and nitrogen gases. Scientists argue that if the Earth were smaller, the atmosphere would be impossible to live in, just like on Mercury. Contrary, if it were larger, the atmosphere could contain hydrogen. The only planet that consists of an atmosphere with the right mixture of gases is the Earth. It has the potential of sustaining animal, plant, and human life. The Earth’s location in regards to the sun is at a right distance in terms of temperature swings that the humanity experiences.
If the Earth were a bit further from the sun, people would freeze. Any person trying to go a bit closer to the sun would burn to death. A fractional variance of the position of the Earth to the sun would make life unmanageable. The Earth remains at a perfect distance from the sun. It continues to rotate around the sun and on its axis. This phenomenon allows the entire Earth’s surface to warm properly and cool every day. The moon is also in a perfect size and position from the Earth for the purpose of its gravitational pull. It creates important ocean movements and tides so that the ocean waters do not stagnate. The moon restrains the continent massive waters from spilling over and across the continents.
Another example is water that is odorless, colorless, and has no taste. No living things can survive without this precious commodity. Human beings, other animals, and plants consist of water. Approximately two-thirds of the human body is water. Water has unusual boiling and freezing points. It allows living things to live in an ever fluctuating environment having temperature changes. The human body is always at a stable 98.6 degrees due to water. The creator made water a universal solvent. It means that water carries various chemical, nutrients, and minerals throughout the human body. Water is chemically neutral as it does not affect the makeup of different substances it carries. It allows the body to ingest and use food, minerals, and medicine. The surface tension in water is unique as it flows upwards against gravity in plants. Water freezes from top down, which allows fish to live even in winter seasons.
Ninety-seven percent of all the Earth’s water is in oceans. The creator has a system that removes salt from the ocean waters and distributes it throughout the globe. Evaporation takes water from the ocean, leaves the salt, and forms clouds. The wind moves the clouds, thus dispersing water over land for vegetation, people, and animals. It is a perfect system of purification as well as supply that sustains life on the planet. The human brain is another perfect creation. It processes a million messages per second. The brain weighs all the data for their importance and filters out all the unimportant information. The screening function allows human beings to focus and operate in an effective manner in the world. The brain is a marvelous creation, being an organ that functions differently from other organs. It is intelligent because of its ability to reason. It can produce feelings, dreams, and plans, take action, and even relate to other human beings.
The Difference between my Position and Other Peoples Views
There are two alternatives for people who wish to remain atheists. They may well claim that some issues are simply unknowable. Atheists may also say that although they feel they do not have a God, the true reality is that there is a possibility of content that contains divine knowledge. The first alternative appears to divorce the reality concept from the experiences that people find problematic. The second alternative seems incoherent because a person can claim to be an atheist and still define reality to be what God knows if he existed. Some people argue that if God does not exist, then it is possible he would not know of his existence or his nonexistence. Another issue is that, if reality should be the possible content for divine knowledge, then it follows that God’s existence is a possibility.
The validity of this ontological argument makes this admission fatal to an atheist. After a critical evaluation of the above arguments, personally I would say that if the existence of God is possible, then people should also believe that it is not impossible to have a God. The pureness of creed is a corrupt courtesy of the evil interest of human beings. As a result, very many good-willed individuals have been moving further away from faith. The use of creed as a tool for dominance leads to emergence of unbelievers on account of religious disappointments. However, instead of these friends denying the undeniable existence of God, the intelligent ones must be made to refute these lies of inconsistent models. The difference in people’s positions is the new models that test the reason’s sieve.
The way science evolves exhibits the best model that can substitute a weaker one. People should analyze the scientific methods since logic cannot allow human beings to deny the creator’s existence. No intelligent effect is devoid of an intelligent cause. Most advanced computer software is a result of the human mind. Similarly, the highest intelligence must also be a result of a more superior intelligent power as the first cause. For the simple reason of the lacking of understanding, human beings have regarded it to be God, offering atheists no scientific foundations to deny his existence.
The best way people can try to understand God is by the use of new models. The first step is to forget the old myths. People question a creed before they can adopt it; they find it hard to believe in a vengeful God. Many priests and religious factors have been presenting the issue to people. However, many priests have been using the dark concept of God to achieve dominance over the faithful in order to acquire selfish advantages. Therefore, instead of people denying God’s existence, the intelligent ones should try and seek a rational model for divinity. In challenging what other people believe about God, it is amazing to learn of the wealth of objective evidence that points to the fact that God exists.
Some people believe in a supreme god, but not the one referred to in the Bible. In essence, they accept Deism with its theories as true. However, there are no evident recordings of this god, no pictures, nothing. People only believe that god exists among them in their everyday situations. They claim that they do not know what god consists of, its intentions, and what it would like humans to do. The conclusion they have is that the humans are on the Earth for a reason and must live their lives according to their knowledge and what they feel is right.
How to Tell the Right Perspective
The best proof is Jesus claiming to be divine. He was a performer of miracles as well as a healer of the blind, deaf, and crippled. Jesus had the power to raise a couple of people from the dead. This means that Jesus had power over all the Earth’s objects. In a crowd at a wedding, he made enough food to feed the crowds out of thin air. His miracles were over nature, he walked on top of water, commanding the raging storm to stop for his friends to fish. Everywhere Jesus went, there was a multitude of people behind him due to a simple reason that he met their needs. Jesus provides evidence to open-minded people as the Bible is his word. Moreover, believes in the existence of God and sciences are very much compatible. People who do not believe in God either embrace bad science or theology or have not had the chance to see the evidence.
In the past years, the discovery of a finely tuned universe to an incomprehensible precision that supports life keeps on stunning scientists. Many scientists use the discovery as a compelling reality that there exists a very intelligent Designer. The fine tuning of the planet provides evidence of deistic design of the perfect synthesis of carbon that is vital for all organic molecules. On a significant scale, it involves what scientists see as astonishing coincidence that is the ratio of a striking force to electromagnetism. Scientists believe that the law of nuclear physics has designs relating to the consequences of what the stars produce.
According to philosophers, there are 3 traditional arguments concerning the existence of God. Two of them are from direct experiences people have had in the world and depend upon the concepts of God. The arguments have recurred in numerous forms all throughout the philosophical history. Some of the explanations were by people like Plato Hume and Kant. People revive their forms of arguments and still represent their approach to understanding the rationale and basis for the religious belief.
The ontological argument is a prior justification that God exists. It does not depend on people’s experience of the world, but relies on pure logical inferences of the idea of God. Descartes in his meditation 5 adopts this concept, which has been recently reformulated. Supporters of this idea start by defining God as a being; thus any fool that understands this concept and refuses to acknowledge God’ existence is contradicting him or herself. To put this into perspective, God necessarily exists because he is a being and nothing greater than him can be conceived. He is then a contingent one and the humankind must rely on him. Kant had a famous objection that existence can never be a predicate. People cannot add anything to this concept when they say that maybe God exists, they can merely posit anything that in reality corresponds to the concept. With regard to this, the concept remains the same: God exists.
Anselm claims that the statement God exists’ is analytic since it is not clear. The negation of the analytic statement creates some logical contradiction, but both Kant and Hume point out that the issue is not a contradiction. Recently, Alvin Plantinga has made a reformulation of the ontological argument by using a modal logic. He defines the concepts as possible, impossible, or necessary. There is a possible world that maximal great being exists. This maximal greatness implies that existence in all possible worlds must have a possible great creature. With this explanation, there exists such a great being in the world. This argumentative version states that it is very possible that a maximal being exists and exists in all the possible worlds.
The cosmological argument postulates the existence of God as an explanation of human experiences based on some features in the world. The main feature the argument invokes is dependency. Many living things on the Earth depend on others, while they also do the same to others, and so on. There is an infinite regression of dependency that can only stop if there is something that does not depend on anything. A self-sufficient being compared to a person is only God. God ends the dependency chain on things of motion, existence, and cause by being an unmoved mover and a necessary being. Modern scientific thinking has the notion known as Big Bang’, under which the understanding of time proposes that it is not sensible to ask what came first in the universe. Scientists say that the universe just appears to be here.
Argument from design signifies that the universe together with all its parts show evidence of order, purpose, and regularity. Such qualities are very evident in human design products. Therefore, by analogy, it is right to conclude that the planet must have a designer with enormous power who may be known as God. The argument is more enduring and popular than all the arguments concerning God’s existence. According to Kant, it is the most accordant one and has common reasoning for the humankind. By analogy, the world must have a maker. Like most arguments, a great deal depends on analogy use as well as permissibility of the inferring cause from an effect.
David Hume identifies exact problems and his criticism of the argument of design is highly effective. His criticism of the argument is worthy as his main concerns are the relationship between a cause and effect. Specifically, Hume argues that people do not ascribe to any cause that is not sufficient enough to produce an effect. With this, an imperfect world is an evidence of an imperfect creator, an unjust world for unjust creator, a finite world for a finite creator, and so on. This brings in the assumption that there is a designer of the evident qualities that people experience in the world. Hume notes people’s tendency to assume that God has greater and more qualities than his creation. The humanity ascribes goodness and perfection to God as they experience them in the world. Once people give God these qualities, they tend to seek them in the world taking for granted the existence of justice, good, and purpose knowing they are not apparent to them. This is an explanation for many oddities in the religious thinking. Concluding, none of the above classical arguments is conclusive as they cumulatively present suggestions of a strong probability of the Gods existence.