What Sources Say about the Pediatric Population
Among the population that can be employed in assessing a community one can name pediatric aggregate. This population is easily found in diverse places such as centers, volunteer organization, and nursing homes among other locations. The pediatric group is mainly composed of children and adolescents as well as infants with a particular age limit of 18 years and below. Therefore, it is significant to carry out a community assessment to identify some of the challenges this group is likely to face as well as offer solution where possible. Several methods and resources should be employed for data gathering as well as data generation that assist in discovering community needs. After the correction of information, it is crucial to analyze the data to identify trends as well as themes of the pediatric population. This paper will focus on community assessment methods and resources that will attempt to uncover the differences between what published sources say about the pediatric population and actual research that has been carried out in a known community surrounding to identify the challenges and solution faced by the said community.
Phase One
Pediatric aggregate refers to an individual population that can be employed in evaluating a community. This population can reside in diverse places such as in nursing home, volunteer organizations, and citizens centers as well as community activity centers. In essence, pediatric population refers to a population composed of children, infants, and adolescents with a trailing age limit of between birth and 18 years of age. In this case, the particular population will be adolescent. The age bracket is composed of the group that is not very vulnerable to chronic diseases. However, the pediatric population is composed mostly by developing nations where the age group falls below 18 years of age. However, the adolescent age being the most important in the growth of a nation is the most sensitive one since children are dependents as they are still under the care of their parents. The pediatric population exists in all neighborhoods since nearly every family has children below 18 years of age. Therefore, it is unfortunate that there are no geographical boundaries that separate the pediatric population from other populations. The community assessment will be performed to identify some of the challenges facing the pediatric population and to come up with solutions that will assist in overcoming the challenges. The assessments results may widely assist in identifying trends of chronic diseases that mostly target the pediatric population in different geographical areas of a community. The community assessment will be carried out during the school holiday. The choice of the evaluation timeline is because a large number of the pediatric populations live with their families during the school recess. The assessment will be carried out for duration of two weeks. The project funding will primarily rely on the municipalities for sponsorship since the data will assist in the better planning of the council for the pediatric population. The assessment will attempt to uncover the differences between what published sources say about the pediatric population and actual research that has been carried out in a known community surrounding.
Phase Two
The assessment of pediatric population involves the use of resources as well as methods to achieve the objectives. This phase will be the starting point for data generation as well as collection during the community assessment. To achieve the desired results, a variety of methods will be applied to discover the community needs, although availability of time as well as monetary resources may influence the methods to be employed. This may include data gathering of the existing information.
In 2015, the United States of America had a total population of 308,745,538, in which 29.6% of this population was made up of the pediatric population (U.S. Census Bureau, 2015). However, according to the US Census Bureau (2015), the percentage may seem small as compared to the remaining portion, but it sim