Category: Definition Essay

Politics defines the activities involved in acquiring power in a given country or area of the world. Moreover, it involves the activities relating to the governance of a country’s particular debate that entangles individuals and parties hoping to acquire power. In academic circles, politics refers to the study of a state and government. The crucial factor in successful politics is the active involvement of citizens in decision making. In Nigeria, the Internet has encouraged youth to participate more actively in politics through social media as a part of their everyday lives by linking them to the global mobile community and increasing their independence. The Internet has exposed the youth to the political reality that drives global governance offering a formidable base for making a comparison and contrasts.

Political participation is a new term that many political researchers and sociologists are investigating all over the world. Most countries have introduced the American democratic form of government. Therefore, the political system introduced various new concepts that were non-existent before such as individual liberties, human rights, free and fair elections and the right to vote and participate in electoral processes. Usually, elections take place after a fixed time interval of five years. Thus, political participation improved with the introduction of democracy in Nigeria and is currently treated as a prerequisite for fair democratic governance. Political participation also provides that every person reserves the right to influence the decision-making process.

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The most direct method of political participation in Nigeria is through voting, whereby citizens have the opportunity to vote for new leaders after five years of service. However, the trend is quickly changing, and political participation has taken a diverse twist to include belonging to a political party, role-taking in cultural activities, petition signing, and participation in demonstrations among other forms. As a result, political participation means all activities that citizens of a given country engage in while trying to influence the decision-making process. An in-depth analysis reveals that political participation may take a formal or conventional way or unconventional methods. A conventional method involves voting, joining political parties, mobilizing, attendance at political meetings and lastly campaigning.

On the other hand, unconventional methods of political participation entail participating in a protest march, boycotting products, petition signing, demonstrations, firing at the law enforcers, participating in the commentary on both television and radio talk shows and lastly blogging. The concept of political participation greatly applies to the African countries, drawing the conclusion from the protests that occur almost on a daily basis. The growth of social media has also motivated political participation by the youth. The rise of social sites such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, BlogSpot has enhanced youth participation in political matters.

The Internet has enhanced youth participation in politics, as many forums are available, upon which they can follow political activities taking place in the countries, which updates the youth on the political news. The Internet hosts social media, and the platforms appeal to many youngsters as it is the most recent technology in the field of communication that is gaining prominence. The Internet appeals to many youths because of its immediacy in the delivery of responses. It provides immediate feedback to the involved parties and thus facilitates communication.

The Internet comes as an advantage to the youth in matters of political participation as it provides a forum through which the youth interact with politicians and clarify trending issues in political circles. The Internet also stands advantageous because it offers young people a platform to nurture political talent. The youth may interact with politicians on social sites and receive guidance on how to advance their political career. The Internet has also provided a way for the youth to mobilize one another and even organize a demonstration against issues that they feel are wrong or politically incorrect. The Internet has increased political participation by providing formidable ways upon which the youth can organize mobilizations, demonstrations, and sign the petitions. Whistleblowers in the modern world rely entirely on the Internet connection to raise red flags when they notice an anomaly in public service. Whistleblowing as a form of p