The world of science has recently reported some paradigm-shifting results in the field of cloning. Specifically, it has been assumed that the possibility of human cloning is due to the promising results evidenced by the cloning of animals. On the other hand, scholars admit that they are currently facing some challenges in their studies. The stumbling block, in this particular case, is not merely technical problems. These are important ethical questions that hamper the research in the field of human cloning in the first place.
Clones are typically defined as organisms that possess identical DNA structures. Cloning can occur naturally or it can be made artificially in the laboratory setting. Twins can be viewed as a vivid example of natural cloning. There is not a small number of similarities between natural and artificial clones, and there is a principal difference in physiological and anatomical peculiarities of both beings as well. The year 1997 has become a landmark in the history of cloning technology: the first artificial clone of an animal was brought to life. The living being that appeared came in history as Dolly the Sheep. Thus, it has been proved that creating a precise genetic copy of an organism is made possible with the help of either artificial embryo twinning or nuclear transfer of somatic cells. Cloning technology has, by all means, become a breakthrough in the field of genetic engineering.
Clearly, cloning as such and cloning technology, on the whole, have both advantages and disadvantages in a medical sense. It cannot be denied that cloning has become an important scientific question in the two last decades. Furthermore, cloning as scientific discovery has initiated a heated public discussion. The advantages of cloning stand as opposed to the primary moral principles that mankind has built its life on. At the same time, it is believed that the rejection of cloning and its criticism are inconsistent. With regard to this, it is important to admit that the misconception of the cloning industry is what makes a part of the reality of the latter. Taking the current state of things into account, it is possible to assume that the mankind is yet incapable of conceptualizing, understanding, and adequately responding to the potential threats of cloning as well as making use of its advantages.
One of the major ethical problems that have evolved with cloning is the so-called gestational parenthood, also known as gestation. Gestation, in its turn, is associated with the concept of biological parenthood. As the public discussion of cloning has ensued, it was revealed that the notions of social and biological parenthood need disambiguating. Hence, scholars specified that social parenthood is normative by nature, whilst biological parenthood is more of a descriptive type. At the same time, the researcher highlight that the process of disintegration of the concept of biological parenthood is taking place. Under the circumstance of the advancement of science and technology process, medical technologies, in particular, social parenthood acquires greater prominence. Thus, the cloning industry has made mankind reconceptualize the notion of parenthood, which is one of the key principles of social roles in modern communities.
As far as the advantages of cloning are concerned, the following points should be mentioned. First, the proponents of the cloning industry make a statement that, cloning would allow infertile persons/couples to have biologically related offspring. Second, cloning industry may potentially clarify the issue of medication of the hereditary diseases. Third, it is believed that creating human clones would solve the donor problem. In addition to that, some scholars assert that cloning could become a great way for people who have encountered loss to deal with it and move on with their lives. Lastly, some scholars believe that with the help of cloning industry, outstanding people, all those who had a sort of talent, could be brought back to life. All things considered, each of the aforementioned aspects is in no way a case when the ends justify the means.