This report comprises results and recommendations of an assessment carried out in several randomly chosen Better Health Enterprises facilities including all its three chains. It mainly covers the issues of new fee structures proposed by the organizations top management and new methods of employee working and payment. The report is a result of the analysis of the opinions of the companys employees that arose from the managements change proposition. It will try to compare those view to the merits and demerits of the proposed changes. The report utilizes the pros and cons approach of comparison of the two options of fee payment under discussion that is: the current service fee payment and the newly proposed per use charge fee that is accompanied with a new remuneration system for the workers, mainly instructors.
Data collected from the assessment is represented in the report as comparisons and factual statements that give a deeper understanding of the gyms financial situation and how the proposed change will affect the workers. Analysis of this information with consideration of the needs of all individuals in different facilities enables one to come up with a couple of recommendations. These recommendations will be important in making the decision of whether the proposed changes should be applied with explanation and justification for each. They are also meant to give deeper understanding of the problems facing the gym workers and how they can be effectively dealt with.
Recommendation Report
The assessment carried out in facilities of the different chains is meant to collect information from the employees that will be analyzed and used to come up with recommendations on what payment system would be more beneficial to the organization. It will also give deeper knowledge of how the company functions with better understanding of the different functions of the workers and challenges they face.
During the assessment process, it is assumed that the views of the random workers chosen for the exercise represent the ideas of all the employees from all the facilities. It is assumed that the proposed recommendations will be the main content considered when making the final decision about implementing the change.
The methods applied for the collection of information for the assessment analysis mostly involved interviews with the workers who gave their opinions concerning the proposal for change in fee and remuneration systems. This was supplemented with an e-mail questioning of 136 gym managers of the organization.
The assessment process was, however, not an easy one considering the lack of cooperation among some workers who were enraged by the proposed changes. There were also some employees who did not want to participate in the assessment citing lack of interest; this dont care attitude had a negative impact on the activity and was mostly observed in 25 Hour Fitness gyms.
To come up with the proposed recommendations, all the statistics collected from the assessment combined with the workers opinions were compared. All these data were analyzed so as to get a clear idea of what the best route for the organization to follow would be, as recommended in the report.
Background Information
A healthy people is a healthy nation; that is why it has become important in this century of sedentary lifestyle that more people engage in fitness exercising. Training sessions have been made professional and are available in fitness gyms such as Better Health Enterprises where participants are guided through the experience of becoming a healthier human being. There are various professionally trained individuals tasked with the responsibility of making sure that people attending such fitness sessions acquire high-quality workout. This is done with consideration of safety during the whole experience.
Better Health Enterprises has three national chains of fitness gyms with multiple facilities in several cities nationwide. It has a workforce comprising of gym managers, instructors and non-instructors.
The companys CEO proposed changes to the member payment fees and remuneration system, which was received with mixed feelings from the gym employees. There are two opposing parties to be affected by the proposed changes:
1. The gym instructors most of whom are against the idea of the CEO to