Institutions choose to set up mentoring programs for varied reasons developing interactive plan one has to design the aims of developing mentoring programs. This may concern achieving staff performance or early career progression, a wish to give the particular group access to support and develop their career in a defined way such as mentoring for leadership, resource and so forth.
Mentoring is an increasingly common process, involving more experienced colleagues in an isolated institution, in developing a more proactive workforce. Have clear guides explaining, which particular group you propose to have it mentored; in this, a clear expected outcome is probable outcomes for the proposed program. The second process will involve orienting the targeted individual or group through supporting their development for promotional purposes.
On the other side, the mentoring process can mean all things to the rest of the employees. More focus is designed to specific goals achievement, the more likelihood is in having a successful. For instance, a mentoring program for casual aimed at attaining professionalism traits has far less focused objectives than developing effective assessment design program. Due to limited resource and time, a well-structured mentorship program that works within the stipulated framework. Also, it will serve a meaning full purpose if draw attention to the most valuable goals of the organization. If there are too many goals set it is equally important to involve other staffs thought have less experience as they to stand to benefit from the program.
Create a possible framework that will work in identifying the part of employees ready to be involved in the mentorship, possibly create a company website to initiate this. Having the areas of expertise well spelled out. Staff seeking mentorship will then approach potentially listed employee on their own, initiating a mentoring pair that has little formal initiation. The program developed has to be equally accorded reasonable time. Create necessary workshops to help in both orientation and skills development. According to Dean (2009) suggestions, the mentorship programs cultivate a professional automated succession of the mentorship program, as different training has a specific stage in fulfilling the mentorship programs. Identifying all these create the possibility of achieving the desired goals.