Category: Business Essay



Human Relations in Your Life

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Human Relations in Your Life

The growth of the ways of communication in the current world has made it urgent to revise its real meaning, concept, and functions. For instance, business communications with their certain ethical foundations are considered a compulsory condition for the development of the entire human culture. Forecasting the behavior of another person is fundamentally imperative in the process of business communications. However, not to make such predication arbitrary, one should know not only the recipients or interlocutors but also the peculiarities of one’s personality. Therefore, such aspects of human relations as reflection, motivation, communication, and decision making process are of fundamental importance. In fact, the human connections represent a notion which performs various functions in the diverse fields of human expertise in accordance with the nature and context (i.e. interpersonal and professional), wherein the human relations are expected to work. Exploration of the seven themes of human relations helps achieve personal goals, as well as accomplish organizational objectives. The knowledge gained during the course improves the understanding of the nature of human relations in order to create a positive image in the business world by exchanging information effectively, adhering to the ethical principles in business activities, and successfully resolving conflicts.

While attending the course, I decided that it would paramount for me to understand the way human relations function and, if possible to learn to work towards creating a positive image (as a business partner, leader, member of a team etc.). It is also necessary to avoid prejudice and stereotyping towards a partner in human relations since it prevents from receiving a fair impression of an individual. Otherwise, prejudiced opinion serves as a manifestation of weakness, which will not contribute to a favorable image (Heynderickx & Dieltjens, 2014). Thus, in the process of mutual understanding and predicting the behavior of the partner, communication barriers and mechanisms of psychological security of the person play an important role.

From hands-on experience, I have realized that representatives of different cultures should overcome not only language barriers but also differences that reflect the features of the ethnonational and sociocultural specifics of thinking and perception of the surrounding world (Paschos, Bastug, Land, Caire & Debbah, 2016). Other aspects that constitute a part of the numerous compounds of the human relations include self-acceptance, self-awareness, trust, motivation, and self-disclosure.

To start with, the process of human relations realizes two functions, namely information exchange and organization of mutual activities. Meanwhile, it is also important to provide access to the information which may be significant for the further arrangements of partnerships. The moment of sharing information with the interlocutor is valuable for the human relations context since it facilitates faster establishment of a friendly rapport between the partners. Simultaneously, it is unnecessary to actively promote such information that may adversely affect the development of business contacts (Heynderickx & Dieltjens, 2014).

The Business Communications course helped me realize that the basis for the successful human relations should be coordination and, if possible, harmonization of interests. Naturally, if people expand their connections out of ethical means and in the name of morally justified purposes, they would witness a totally productive, fruitful, and agreeable result. Therefore, one should pay close attention to any signs of ethical reflection, justifying the motives for joining these particular relations. However, it is often not an easy task to make an ethically correct choice or an individual decision (Brannen, Piekkari, & Tietze, 2014). Market relations provide freedom of choice, while increasing the number of options for solutions by generating a set of moral dilemmas waiting for people in the process of their activities and communication (Heynderickx & Dieltjens, 2014). Despite all the problematic and difficult aspects of determining a moral position, there is a number of helpful tips, by which – if followed – one can greatly impact communication, increase its efficiency, and avoid awkward moments in the process of interaction (Paschos, Bastug, Land, Caire, & Debbah, 2016). This knowledge would help me behave and act according to the ethical and moral basis of the business relations.

The problems that arise in the process of human relations are complex and multifaceted. However, due to the valuable skills I have mastered throughout the course, I can state that a key to their solutions should be the use of specially developed methods of communication ethics. Additionally, it should be based on generally valid moral principles, which would be relevant to the context of the specific situation that can potentially occur in the business environment (Brannen, Piekkari, & Tietze, 2014). For example, adherence to the principle of honesty during the conversation is significant regardless of the type of communication. In professional ethics, this is a moral norm, which is regarded as a binding rule (Heynderickx & Dieltjens, 2014). Moreover, the specifics of human relations lies in the fact that deception is not beneficial from a utilitarian point of view since it will do more harm than good (Paschos, Bastug, Land, Caire & Debbah, 2016). Particularly, it will lead to the loss of trust and a damaged reputation, which will make people avoid such unreliable partners (Brannen, Piekkari, & Tietze, 2014). Thus, it is advisable to apply the conflict resolution methods along with considering other compounds of the human relations, such as self-acceptance, self-awareness, trust, motivation, and self-disclosure. Speaking of the principle of freedom in the human relations, one can observe the opposite situation. Since any individual is eligible to have it, the worldwide acknowledgement of human rights presupposes its inclusion in the deontological concept (Heynderickx & Dieltjens, 2014). However, in business, the freedom gives the opportunity to choose business partners and methods or ways of reaching an agreement between the parties (Reece & Reece, 2016). Accordingly, such enormous benefit allows organizing business communications that could potentially improve the relations between the partners as well as the overall performance of an organization.

The emergence of the core themes of human relations in the contemporary world is a long and complex process. There are many objective and subjective factors that make it difficult to establish a proper format of interaction (Paschos, Bastug, Land, Caire & Debbah, 2016). This includes inexperience in running business, imperfect legislation, the transitional nature of economy, habits, criminalization, mindset, and psychology (Mishra, Boynton, & Mishra, 2014). There is always a system of values, norms, and cultural traditions that stand behind the features of typical behavior observed in human relations (Heynderickx & Dieltjens, 2014). They can provoke stereotypes and inhibit the partners from achieving mutual understanding.

Business communications accompany the object-oriented activity of the business, and, therefore, the content of each communicative form depends on its purpose and expected result (Reece & Reece, 2016). Hence, one should work on the self-acceptance, self-awareness, trust, motivation, communication, and self-disclosure (Brannen, Piekkari, & Tietze, 2014). Accordingly, it is evident that I can closely incorporate knowledge about human relations into my personal and professional life. For instance, the system of ethical norms of business communications formulates the rules that regulate behavior in the working and societal environments as well as during various official events. Furthermore, one should also specialize in conducting business negotiations as well as correspondence and know how to present one’s ideas in a clear and concise manner (Heynderickx & Dieltjens, 2014). The introduction of ethical principles of human relations in business promotes mutual understanding of people, makes communication convenient, and increases its expediency and practicality (Mishra, Boynton, & Mishra, 2014). Ethical principles usually include courtesy, correctness, delicacy, tact, modesty, foresight, and accuracy.

It is also necessary to introduce the term of linguistic personality in the framework of the human relations. However, the theoretical and methodological tool of linguistics does not allow one to fully study the whole range of systemic connections of the professional’s linguistic personality (Paschos, Bastug, Land, Caire & Debbah, 2016). Another reason for the systematic consideration of the language in the human relations is the multi-contextuality of this phenomenon (Brannen, Piekkari, & Tietze, 2014). The category of a linguistic personality implies a descriptive multilevel structure of a certain set of speech products. In psychology, the context of this category is the personal characteristic of the speaker (for example, the individual’s ability to implement a set of language competencies) (Mishra, Boynton, & Mishra, 2014). In social psychology, a linguistic personality can be considered in terms of a group’s language norm and group’s language identification. Psycholinguistics also studies the language personality by examining the features of the subject’s speech activity (Brannen, Piekkari, & Tietze, 2014). One can conclude that the linguistic personality as a tool for analyzing the competences in the human relations includes objective as well as normative and reflexive characteristics, which underlines its complexity and determines the way a person can apply self-acceptance, self-awareness, trust, motivation, and self-disclosure.

When the language issues with its complex and multidimensional nature arise (positive and negative manners of communication) within the context of self-acceptance, self-awareness, trust, motivation, and self-disclosure, the main direction is the use of an interdisciplinary approach (Heynderickx & Dieltjens, 2014). It is based on the methodological apparatus of linguistics, psycholinguistics, psychology, and social psychology (Heynderickx & Dieltjens, 2014). To develop the professional skills in human relations, it is significant to lump together the theoretical basis of the issue with the practical one (Mishra, Boynton, & Mishra, 2014). Ultimately, such approach would help realize the essential concepts of the way the human relations are organized (Mishra, Boynton, & Mishra, 2014). One can explain it by the necessity to establish the relations in such a manner that they are tolerated within the context of their two-sidedness (Mishra, Boynton, & Mishra, 2014). The ability to lead the human relations to a particular purpose is an essential professional skill, which is a helpful tool in governing people and achieving the aims. In this case, the issue of motivation is of particular attention since it determines the motives of the relations regardless of their nature (personal or the business one). Furthermore, motivation serves as a pushing mechanism in developing and promoting the necessary tools to achieve the aim of the relations.

Another aspect of the human relations, which is essential in my professional context, is the conflict resolution process. Certainly, each format of the human relations phenomenon is likely to confront the conflict of interests or intentions (Mishra, Boynton, & Mishra, 2014). The ability to solve such misunderstandings and the capacity to find a consensus are paramount due to the fact that they denote the success of failure factor within the relations (Reece & Reece, 2016). Undoubtedly, each of the relations’ participants is aimed at successful resolution of a conflict and expects it to be prevented initially (Brannen, Piekkari, & Tietze, 2014). Nonetheless, if the disagreement has already happened, the tools to resolve it should be aimed at satisfying all the parties’ interests or at least at explaining the positive features of the unsatisfying result.

To conclude, the essence of human relations is extremely profound and versatile due to the fact that they help a person manage diverse issues and find a proper solution. The human relations’ aspect is applicable both to personal life and business issues. In both cases, it is significant to have ability to fairly judge, correctly make decisions, and motivate the relations to continue developing. Thus, the task of the communication partners is to use successfully and carefully the tools of managing the human relations’ aspects and create the necessary conditions to achieve the primary aims. Finally, the human relations aspect functions in various fields of human expertise. It is capable of sustaining and developing human relations in close connection to the area of a person’s competency, distinguishing mainly between the personal and business formats of the relations.


Brannen, M. Y., Piekkari, R., & Tietze, S. (2014). The multifaceted role of language in international business: Unpacking the forms, functions and features of a critical challenge to MNC theory and performance. Journal of International Business Studies, 45(5), 495-507.

Heynderickx, P., & Dieltjens, S. (2014). We is more than you plus I: The interpretation of we-forms in internal business communications. Journal of Technical Writing and Communication, 44(3), 227-249.

Mishra, K., Boynton, L., & Mishra, A. (2014). Driving employee engagement: The expanded role of internal communications. International Journal of Business Communication, 51(2), 183-202.

Paschos, G., Bastug, E., Land, I., Caire, G., & Debbah, M. (2016). Wireless caching: Technical misconceptions and business barriers. IEEE Communications Magazine, 54(8), 16-22.

Reece, B., & Reece, M. (2016). Effective human relations: Interpersonal and organizational applications. Cengage Learning.

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